
Search Status History

  • Available
  • Service information
  • Service disruption
  • Service outage


No incidents reported.


Summary Date Duration
We’re investigating an issue with indexing in Google Search. 31 Jan 2024
7 days, 12 hours
Google Search is experiencing an indexing issue 21 Dec 2023
5 hours, 30 minutes
Google Search is experiencing an indexing issue 5 Oct 2023
5 hours, 50 minutes
Google News indexing is experiencing an ongoing issue 21 Jun 2023
23 days, 14 hours


Summary Date Duration
March 2024 spam update 5 Mar 2024
14 days, 21 hours
March 2024 core update 5 Mar 2024
November 2023 reviews update 8 Nov 2023
29 days
November 2023 core update 2 Nov 2023
25 days, 21 hours
October 2023 core update 5 Oct 2023
13 days, 23 hours
Ranking is experiencing an ongoing issue 5 Oct 2023
26 days
October 2023 spam update 4 Oct 2023
15 days, 12 hours
September 2023 helpful content update 14 Sep 2023
13 days, 11 hours
August 2023 core update 22 Aug 2023
16 days, 3 hours
April 2023 reviews update 12 Apr 2023
13 days, 2 hours
March 2023 core update 15 Mar 2023
13 days, 7 hours


Summary Date Duration
There’s an ongoing issue with the Google homepage for Firefox users on Android devices. 8 Jan 2024
1 day
Serving is experiencing an ongoing issue 26 Oct 2023
6 hours, 6 minutes

Google Search Status History

View a comprehensive statistics history of Google Search Status, including crawling, indexing, ranking, and serving over the last 2 years.